Selasa, 15 September 2009

Ustadz Abdurrahman

Ustadz Abdurrahman
Responsible Pondok Gede, Bekasi
Jami Kebon Jeruk Mosque
Markaz Indonesia

Assalamu Alaikum Wr Wb.

Praise, Praise and Gratitude we prayed the presence of God Almighty, peace and greetings to our panjatkankan Prophet Muhammad and his noble family and great friends, also to the loyal followers until the end of time, it clear that we all were given the health and opportunity in this day to share his orders and worship to God.

Mudzakaroh Faith and Charity

We must believe in the supernatural, as we believe in the real. Like when we see and hold our own hands, this is something definite and concrete. Like when we saw the wall, land, cars, and others that are still visible to the eye and touched by our hands. We must believe in the unseen God's command, as we believe the benefits of things and what we see the benefits. All that we see today is a must, while the promise of God is more certain anymore. We can not see our gut, our heart, our brain, and how it functions, but we believe that it was all there and functioning properly. Similarly, the promise of God that we can not see should we believe its function and existence as we believe in the heart, intestines, and brain, although we do not see it. But on this day, sure we are still tethered only to the visible only, so we often leave the commandment of God is unseen in this result to get a look. And that seems good is not necessarily think we are good according to God. How many people buy a luxury car felt good but it turned out after tau-taunya purchased even bother as: perawatannyalah, pajaknyalah, bensinnyalah costs, and others. Likewise with buying luxury homes, but it turned out a handful, such as electricity is more expensive, more difficult bersihinnya, and all the cost increases. This asbab our great passion and logic we would have thought that all was well. So something that seems good is not necessarily think we are good according to God, but it is good according to God is certainly good for us. For that we must give priority to the first or the unseen God's command over our passions or desires of the visible. If this can be done, this new name people who believe and believe in the supernatural. Dare deny the visible and the unseen only confirmed that the new name of Faith.

Do not we get hurt like the devil Laknatullah Allaih, because unfortunately the devil is not because the devil does not believe in God but because the devil is proud. Satan himself perfectly convinced, and even admitted that the God who created it, "... You created me from fire ..." is the word of Satan. The words "You created me from this fire" is a sentence recognition of Satan that God is Khaliq and he just mahluq creation. So the Devil himself the perfect confidence of its recognition as a creation of God. Even when the devil speaks directly to God is so perfect certainty as perfectly convinced us when we see things around us right now and can feel it. Devil His faith was perfection, so that could be justified according logikapun that Satan refused to prostrate to Adam and the U.S. as a symbol of devotion that the prostration is only for God. But here the mistake of Satan is that he only saw the command of God alone, not seeing who is ordered. So that the devil is seen by the U.S. and cons Pros Adam himself, prestige and status. Here Satan melogikakan reasonable command of God according to him, not because of who ordered, this is the name of vanity. So now, believe it but do not want to run a command of God, this is not enough and not true. Sure and obey all the commandments of God even though it can not be accepted by our mind, it's only right name. Sure but do not want to obey it as the drivers who believe in his ability to bring the car on the highway but did not want to join the traffic rules so that one day he'll get in trouble even get hurt. Our mistakes today melogikakan like God's command and did not see who had ordered, namely, God as that issued the order. So it causes us to reject the commandments of God as the devil. Reject the commandment of God by logic, that is good we think it is not from Allah, this is the name of vanity. So proud of this nature is one of the most hated character of God. What we have to watch is what God commands to us and our Practice in any condition. Why should we not enter Practice diakal when? because it is God who commands. Do not we box God commands apart like the Devil, according to us, but we see who is ordered. Essentially all truth and goodness of God only know. We do not know anything, just sok tau alone. As if this will find themselves more than God know it's only vanity name.

In the Qur'an Allah says that mahfum AS Ibrahim was one community, whereas in the grammar that it is a plural people or more. While U.S. Ibrahim why only one person say one people by Allah, the Exalted. This is because the U.S. Abraham took the task and mandate from God. As there is a history told by the Prophet Muhammad that Muadz bin Jabar RA are one people, is due to the seriousness and firmness Muadz RA assignment given by God and the Apostles to him. Determination and seriousness someone in practice this commandment to be the difference of each person in the practice of religion. This is why one person may be or represent the same people in the sincerity and determination in doing a good deed. While we are Choiru Ummah, the best people, because we assumed Amanah Allah and His prophets is to continue the task of prophethood. What is prophetic task? the Da'wah. What is Da'wah? Inviting the People of God. Everything that comes from God, whose name is kindness and good will. While this is unjust is anything that comes apart from God and contrary to what Allah has commanded. Once the name of the Prophet must be installed first, but we are elected directly by God through the intermediary of the Prophet Muhammad and the Qur'an. In the Qur'an Allah has commanded the Prophet to explain the Way of His life and to tell who's followers. "Qul Hadzihi Sabilli Ad'U illallah Bashirotin ana la wamanittaba'ani ...": Say O Muhammad: This is my way, I and the people who follow me take you to God with real Hujjah .... "(12:108) . Who is that followers of the Prophet who invites people obedient to God. The task of the Prophet is the Da'wah to Allah and so were his followers.

So we need to instill that we preach is because the commandments of God and because of our responsibility as the people of the Prophet Muhammad. Right is unlawful without a science mission, but the mission is to deliver capital, although only one verse. Never when we call people who talk things we do not know the science, but to say what we know of science. What kind of science? ie what is taught and delivered to our scholars. This is what we convey to others. While we are out of this is to learn to communicate and in order to improve themselves. Do we go out or preaching with the intent to improve other people, because if it happens later when someone else terperbaiki, kitanya even threatened to be like the hypocrites. Why should we be like the hypocrites, because if we do not Practice what we say is only just dimulut like hypocrites. Then if someone else does not terperbaiki we will be disappointed. So when the mission is intended for self-improvement mean what we say to ourselves, we nasehati ourselves on repeat, we kesankan to go to the liver and can remove it by istiqomah. Do we get upset if people do not tertaskil by our mission, because the guidance was in the hands of God rather than our hands. Even though the prophet can not give guidance to the person she loves. So we get out of this goal for ourselves not for others, namely that we can think, and worry can prophet. Do we run away from problems and difficulties, because we are in mujahaddah difficulties or problems can be a means tarbiyah, lessons, for us to be able to form a friendly nature and in us so that we can get the experience of faith. What is the experience of faith experience where we can feel the greatness of God and the help of God over us in the face of problems.

We came out the way of Allah is not because of a leave of absence, or may permit family, or work already completed, that because it means we are attributing partners to Allah. Get out because of the ease of the creature, if rejected by the creatures we do not want to go out in the way of Allah, this is shirk his name, afraid to leave because the creatures. Who is that creature? but God is the creature. So let us not be afraid to except God. If we do not fear God then God will make our lives afraid of everything like fear of poverty, fear dimarahin, dimusuhin afraid, afraid of being fired, fear of the same wife, and others. Important our intention again to straighten out what we get out of the way of Allah. Because of this Charity depends on what the mean. At the time there was a young friend bravely fought and died on the battlefield, but what the prophet said that the inhabitants of Hell boy. This is because the young man at war not because of God but because he wants to lift the name of his people. Likewise, when the Prophet migrated to the medina is a young man joined the Prophet migrated but pity the boy hijrahnya. This caused him to migrate because the woman who loved not because of God. So when he got what he wanted, God did not give him a reward for religious pilgrimage.