Selasa, 15 September 2009

Bayan Mr. Cecep

God bless you, glad to attend the evening Markaz in Bandung yesterday and also the night in Kebon Jeruk consultation. It is true that our reply was very encouraged to be present in every pekannya Markaz night or at the very least once in 1 month. With Markaz present at night, many of nashihat-InsyaAllah nashihat we get from people who have long engaged in proselytizing efforts.

Here we enter the paradise parrot Cecep pack at Markaz Antapani night, weekend and parrots as well as consultation on BonJer Markaz. I hope can take lesson ..

Umar maulana Nashihat to jama'ah proselytizing may issue as many, namely:
First, the old man brought 2 new people out 8-10 months 4 IPB
Second, the old man brought 2 new people for 8-10 out 4 months in country
Third, a collection of old people together country out 4 months away
Fourth, the women prepare for astral conjunction '(in Bangladesh, when astral conjunction' years ago there was a woman who was willing 100ribu fasting Monday-Saturday and 3 on the moon to deal with astral conjunction ')
Fifth, people long to spend time solemnly 2bulan Markaz nizhamuddin

men of knowledge is in danger if he was not doing a good deed
charitable people in danger if he had not IKHLASH
a maulana bayannya added in, people who IKHLASH also in danger, because he would be in that coveted Shaitan missing keikhlashannya

'a rich man to take foster children from poor families. So this kid well maintained. Were fed, given good clothes. After that he was schooled to be a graduate with a high degree. Then he was given a company to be managed. At one point, the father (the rich had) has arrived death. So he called his adopted son had. But when it was the boy's got an important job that can be lost if abandoned. So he did not meet the adoptive father calls. So the father said, "What kind of boy he was. Padahala he was the son of poor families. I lift it so my son, my sekolahkan, kunikahkan it, give me a big company .... "When he called all his kindness, then Allaah has pulled his life. Then drop it all the charity's ...

The Companions asked, 'O Messenger of Allah, how IKHLASH it ..? So he answered, 'I do not know. Let us ask Gabriel. 'So the Messenger of Allah said,' O that IKHLASH Bagaiamana Gabriel? 'Gabriel replied,' I do not know. Let us ask God directly. 'And God said,' it is a secret Ikhlash Me. "

Karkun-karkun in Indonesia many complain that they have a lot of problems that are not finished-finished. Finish one then the other comes. So Maulana Ahmad Lat said as has been said by a statement that whoever is repairing his relationship with God, then God will improve his relationship with the creature. But we do not reply memeperbaiki relationship to God, so do not expect all of our problems would be resolved by Allaah.

Maulana Sa'ad asked Mr. Cecep, "which was karkun-ditingkatan in Indonesia karkun ..?" So pack Cecep can not answer. So Maulana Sa'ad said that there are 4 levels of humans.
The first level, people who reject entirely the proselytizing efforts. This means that people have broken the Al qur'an and sunnah As for the arguments is smuanya proselytizing efforts in the Al qur'an and hadith.
The second level, people who love the proselytizing efforts. Support and agree with the proselytizing efforts. But when invited to go out on the street Allaah, then he said later was or was not ready.
The third level, people are happy with proselytizing efforts, joined together out on the street Allaah. But when confronted by a choice when coming takaza with takaza world religions, then he preceded her world takaza.
The fourth level, people are happy with the proselytizing efforts, joined together out on the road Allaah, and when faced with a choice between 2, takaza world or religion so he chose takaza first religion and sacrifice keduniaannya.

MasayaAllah, we are grateful for Indonesia given the opportunity to make astral conjunction 'world in July 2009 in Jakarta. Many countries are asking permission to conduct astral conjunction 'world, but is not permitted by the masyaikh. Projected expenditure for Indonesia jama'ah ie more or less out of 13,240 jama'ah. So it is our responsibility to be able to succeed all astral conjunction 'is. For that expected from 1 Halaqah can remove 1 jama'ah jama'ah 40hari and 4 months 1. Jama'ah motion may issue 4bulan jama'ah 1 and 4 months 40 days 3 jama'ah. And jama'ah be issued 40 days 1 jama'ah 4bulan and 40hari jama'ah 1.